

Delivery times

UK: 1-4 working days
USA: 3-10 working days
Germany: 3-10 working days
Europe: 3-10 working days
Australia: 3-10 working days
Other countries: up to 10 working days

My card hasn’t arrived yet

Cards can sometimes get lost in the mail or are undelivered due to an incorrect address. Because we cannot track our cards, we are unable to tell when they don’t get delivered. If the card isn’t delivered within our quoted delivery time, please contact us at hello@withpostcard.com.

I need to cancel my order

In case you wish to cancel your order, please let us know as soon as possible. Since we dispatch cards almost immediately, it is important to contact us as soon as possible at hello@withpostcard.com.

I need to change information on my order

In case you mistyped the recipient’s address or just wish to change your order, please let us know as soon as possible. Since we dispatch cards almost immediately, it is important to contact us as soon as possible at hello@withpostcard.com.

Can I track my order?

Unfortunately, we do not receive any tracking information from the postal service so we are unable track your orders.

Is my payment info stored?

Absolutely! We offer payment by credit/debit cards, PayPal and Apple Pay. After you initially enter the payment details, they are securely stored by our payment gateway provider for further use so you don’t have to re-enter them every time you use our app.

Are the recipients addresses stored?

Yes! Once you enter an address during checkout, it is stored for further use. You can even import addresses directly from your phone’s contacts.

When can I expect the delivery of my card?

We offer next day dispatch on all orders, meaning they are posted the next business day after you place an order. After that you just have to wait for several working days until the card is delivered – please, refer to our delivery times.

Where can I find the postcard I sent?

The pay-off for not bothering you to sign up to use our service is that you cannot see your previous orders or review your previously sent postcards. Therefore it is not possible to download the electronic assets created by you, nor do we include them in the confirmation email. Although, we are working on new features all the time and are planning to add this functionality in the very near future.

Any thoughts, ideas, inquiries or questions?

Reach out to us through our email address at hello@withpostcard.com. We are happy to receive any feedback from our customers!